Telecommunications Management Support

On/Off Site Telecommunications Management and Maintenance

TMA Net can operate a service desk function for its customers either by placing its technicians directly at the customer’s premises after a full onsite installation or to host the customer’s application on a server at TMA Net while providing 24 hour remote service desk support.

Since TMA provides an extensive training program most of its customers have elected to have their telecom management systems operated by their in house telecommunications or IT personnel with the assured backup of a communications link to TMA’s service desk. Regular software upgrades can be delivered to TMA Net’s customers over this secure data link.

Nortel Maintenance & Support

Voice and data products from Nortel are widely used throughout the US Federal Government most significantly by the US Department of Defense.

With our reseller agreement with Nortel we can and do consult on planned system modifications, perform system upgrades and replacements, help ensure newly introduced subsystems and components comply with evolving security mandates and provide operational and maintenance support.






Our services include...

‹ Telecommunications Management Support

Professional Services





Security Compliance Assistance

Over the last several years the IT staffs of various US Government installations have been pressured to implement modifications to their servers, computer networks, communications links and other associated electronics as mandated under National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Policy (NSTISSP) No. 11. NSTISSP No. 11 and the companion National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) is jointly administered by NIST and NSA and applies to all US Federal Government Executive Branch agencies. NSTISSP No. 11 has fundamentally changed how private vendors do business with US Government agencies encouraging responsible vendors to focus on securing their technology products.

TMA’s engineers have been monitoring security requirements and where possible have then assisted our customers to remediate security vulnerabilities found on applicable platforms, whether supplied by us or not. TMA’s engineers have also assisted customers in choosing Information Assurance products or Information Assurance-Enabled products that have met Common Criteria standards.

To meet the challenges and new priority placed on security issues, TMA Net has assisted customers with varying levels of remedition assistance including:

  • Applying vendor patches
  • Reconfiguring operating system network services
  • Restricting file and directory permissions
  • Adding complex password quality checking
  • Configuring user policies
  • Installing and enabling operating system auditing

Our special knowledge in this area, stems from our long background in working with highly secure agencies in ensuring that our platforms and data links are as impervious to outside threats as our advanced technology will allow.



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